
Specialized in web development using Node.js, Express, React.js, Next.js, and React Native. Proven experience with Zebra Technologies: barcode scanning, data capture, RFID, and machine vision. Driven by a love for technology and a commitment to automating processes and data capture.

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Years of Experience

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About Me

From the foundation of barcode printer technician with Zebra Technologies to today s specialization, my journey in the tech world has been marked by continuous learning and passion. My expertise lies in web development, having honed my skills with Node.js, Express, React.js, Next.js, and React Native. But my capabilities don t stop there. I m also adept in data management, data structure solutions, and API creation, ensuring that your projects benefit from precision and efficiency.

Venturing into the world of Internet of Things (IoT), I ve gained hands-on experience with Arduino, crafting innovative solutions that bridge the digital and physical realms. Furthermore, I m familiar with Tailwind CSS for intuitive user interface design, and Zebra Enterprise Browser for specialized applications.

Beyond software, my knowledge extends to creating circuits that trigger processes, be it through Arduino or utilizing the GPIO capabilities of Zebra devices. This unique blend of hardware and software expertise positions me at the forefront of automating and optimizing complex processes.

In essence, my love for technology and drive to innovate keeps me pushing the boundaries of what s possible. I m committed to harnessing the power of modern tools and technologies to offer unparalleled solutions.

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Mysql
  • Enterprise browser
  • React.js
  • Zebra equipments
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Arduino
  • React Native
  • Java
  • Kotlin

My Projects

  • Pizza delivery

    Using react-router-dom, real API and redux a delivery app pizza!

  • World map React

    Using leaflet library you can see the world map with react

  • React quiz only reducer

    A react quiz with only user reducer for state management

  • Trilord movies

    Using IMDB api to rate movies! with react

  • Add tasks react-native

    Add tasks with react-native and expo

  • Far away

    Add items to your trip and check the items you have already packed

  • Nextjs Users Directory

    A simple directory of users built with Nextjs and Tailwindcss

  • Todo App with React

    Todo App with React using localStorage

  • Agency Travel Website

    Front end of a travel agency website with tailwind and html

  • Fox lazy image

    A random loader images of foxes using nextjs

  • Ecommerce with React

    Ecommerce with React using localStorage with users validations with localStorage and load products with apis

  • Arduino Javascript

    Using arduino with javascript to control a led if the response is true or false,activating a actuator motor, and a water sensor

  • Pizzeria

    React template for a pizzeria

Lets connect

If you re interested in any solution, have a project idea, or simply want to chat, I d love to hear from you. Dive into my journey and check out my works on GitHub and LinkedIn - just follow the links! Still prefer a more traditional approach? 📧 Send me an email at escalonaf12@gmail.com Let s talk and turn your visions into reality.